Tuesday, September 20, 2011

whallopin' weasels

Holidays...bliss. And to make it better, I've spent the greater part of today with two good friends, and a telephone link to another, and talked nothing but writing. The initial idea was to get together for the day and work on our projects. But, sometimes, talking about writing is just as good, especially if it helps iron out kinks in plots, develop ideas, or just enthuse us all to hit the keyboard.
So, was I enthused to hit the keyboard, you may ask? Yes. And all is good? Well, not exactly. The weasel's word count for today is a weasely 74. Barely worth recording, but I am 74 words further into the story than I was before. Even if I end up scrapping the whole lot, I'm 74 words better off, knowing where I'm heading. And look at it this way, if I wrote 74 words every day it would only take me about...oh...3,000 days to complete a manuscript. Okay. Let's stop thinking about it. The only thing to do is start earlier in the day and write for longer. Remember, Scarlet, tomorrow is another day.